I agree that the New Zealand Hague Collective (“the Collective”) may collect, use, share, process, manage and store personal information from me about myself and from any source considered by the Collective to be necessary and reasonably appropriate for the purposes of assisting me.
I understand the Collective collects, uses, shares, processes, manages and stores information in compliance with the requirements of any legislation including the Privacy Act 2020 and the Family Courts Act 1980 and recognize that there may be further limitations on the Collective’s ability to receive, use or rely on any information that may include private information about any other person.
Where the Collective collects, uses, shares, processes, manages and stores information, I agree the Collective may do so for the purpose of assisting me in compliance with the Information Privacy Principle in section 22 of the Privacy Act 2020.
The Collective may, in its discretion, use this information, and disclose this information to any relevant person or persons, to:
Access support services for me; and
To inquire as to the availability of legal assistance for me.
I acknowledge I may contact the Collective to request access to any information held about me and to amend any errors in that information, however the Collective reserves its right not to release such information in full if it may be withheld under sections 49-53 of the Privacy Act 2020 or if sections 54-55 of the Privacy Act 2020 apply.
The New Zealand Hague Collective (the “Collective”) provides only general information, support and assistance to parents and their children who are facing legal proceedings in New Zealand under The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction. Although the Collective will endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information to assist parents, it does not provide any warranty as to the accuracy of any information provided and directs parents to take steps themselves to ensure the accuracy of any information provided. Furthermore, the words used in this website, in any correspondence or any other communication from the Collective is not legal advice. Any parent accessing the Collective’s services should obtain independent legal advice before making any decision in respect of legal proceedings, anticipated or potential proceedings, before any New Zealand Court.