While each case is unique, we've been where you are. We are here to help you in your own journey. You are not alone.
Lydia is a Hague mother and lives with her son in Wellington. She escaped a violent and dangerous relationship with her 2 year old in 2017 and returned to the safety of her family home.
Lydia’s case was initially successful in the Family Court, but was appealed in 2018 and overturned in the High Court. Lydia and her lawyers successfully appealed to the New Zealand Court of Appeal and overturned the High Court decision in 2020.
Lydia has a Masters in Applied Social Work from Massey University and is a registered social worker, who works in the sexual violence space with clients who are navigating the justice system.
When Lydia initially returned to New Zealand she was struck by the lack of information or resources in Hague Convention cases and was inspired to help others who have found themselves in this difficult situation.
Samantha is a Hague mother herself, experiencing domestic violence and fleeing Australia during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, seeking safety for her son and herself in New Zealand with the help from the Salvation Army they placed them on flights to return home to be safe.
Her Hague case was lost in 2021 and her son had to be returned back to Australia in early 2022. Samantha successfully won her relocation case in April 2022 and now resides back in New Zealand with her son and works in Family and Sexual Violence Services.
Since returning home, Samantha was determined to build an organisation in New Zealand to help Hague mothers, and parents who find themselves in this horrific situation. Samantha discovered there was no help available when she went through this, and since then she has spoken to many other women who are seeking help and support.
New Zealand Hague Collective is driven by passion to help those in need.